Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My friend the mouse.

I won't lie - if I were to see a mouse right now, I'd be on the top of this desk blogging to you with my toes. It's so crazy.  There is no way in the world that a simple little mouse could ever hurt a person - yet just their presence brings out screams and brooms with really long handles.

Poor little guys.  I think they have gotten a bad wrap. Throughout history they have been associated with destruction.  Eating crops, carrying the plague  - wow.  That's some bad stuff. What about the good stuff?  "Quiet as a mouse" if this is the case I know a 7 and a 3 year old that I wish were mice! Heck - look what our most beloved Micky Mouse has done for their image and most recently that master of culinary delights, Ratatouille.  I think our little friend has come a long way.

The reason I was thinking about the mouse today was because I am having some crazy trouble with my website. The programming is all off and the fonts look wonky on some web browsers. I am pretty new to website building - ChickeeBoom was my first.  I know just enough to be dangerous - but not enough to see this problem clearly.
I know I am just missing something. What could it be? I have read all the help forums but no one seems to have the exact same problem that I am having.  I know the solution is there - so close.  I'm just missing it. 

Enter our friend the mouse. He he actually helped me out tonight. While I was thinking about this situation I went and looked at some of the animal symbols and there it was. Mr. Mouse teaches us to be aware and pay attention to the details. He is also a symbol of intelligence - so maybe that is helping a bit tonight as well. But after reading that I really tried to focus on reading all the info (not just scanning for important big and bold words - you know you do it too!) I re-read document that I had only scanned earlier and took it step by step.  I can proudly say that I think my fonts are fixed!

I just finished uploading the new site and as I clicked the "refresh" button (with my right eye squinted and my lips all scrunchied up) with fingers crossed.... voila! success. Thank you, thank you, my littlest friend the mouse for reminding me that it's all in the details.

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