Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cha - Cha - Changes

The butterfly is the epitome of "change".

This little caterpillar is born to our world and has to face many adversities. The birds and larger bugs are trying to get her right from the beginning.  If that's not enough, she then has to start her climb up to the tallest of trees she can find all the while protecting herself from being devoured by larger and stronger creatures.  Finally when she makes it all the way to the top of the tree and is totally exhausted and she just wants to rest, a huge blanket encases her and she thinks she is dying!

So much stress and struggle.

BUT - you already know the end to this story - and it's a good one!
All of her struggle was not for not - just when she thought she could endure no more and she was dying, she emerges as a gorgeous butterfly.  All the while when she was struggling and striving, she was learning and growing; developing into a beautiful butterfly just waiting to spread her wings and show her beauty to the rest of the world. 

I love this tale. Imagine in your life if you went through a transformation that left you totally unrecognizable to the rest of the world? How would you adapt - would it be good or bad? 

Many believe that the butterfly represents transformation, but it is also believed that it is a symbol for the ability to deal with change - elegantly and with grace.

Are you or a close friend dealing with something in your lives that you can't figure out if it's making you stronger or about to kill you? I've been there. Maybe a butterfly charm would be a great reminder to hold up your heads and spread your wings and float right on past all the turmoil and craziness that is happening in your life right now.

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