Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Don't cry because it's over....

On one of my inscribed leather bracelets I offer the quote by Dr. Seuss that says, "Don't cry because it's over, smile  because it happened". I like that  - I guess it's just another way of telling people to see the glass half full and not half empty.  I'm trying to feel that way tonight but it's not working so well.

 I just finished reading a book and now I feel that same old empty pang that I get after I read the last page of a book I have really enjoyed. The sadness when you know that the story is over - it's like a good friend moving away. Tonight it was The Help by Katheryn Stockett. I wasn't sure if I would like this book. I usually don't want to read books that are getting a bunch of hype - but I really like the new actress Emma Stone and I knew I would want to go and see the movie. Just wanted to read the book first. Such a great book filled with great character studies that really give you a great insight into the relationships between the three main female characters.
Even now I wonder what Skeeter might be doing or how sassy Minny is being - I guess that is the sign of a good book.  I just wish it didn't leave me feeling so empty. 

I hope in a couple of days I can smile because I got a chance to read this great book, but for right now I'm just kind of content in being sad and remembering what a great time we had over coffee and 420 great pages.

I ♥ The Help.

Monday, August 15, 2011

You are my inspiration.

Where does it come from?
Is it really a magical muse that comes to us in a dream and sprinkles brilliant ideas as she dances in and out of our consciousness? Or is it the magical thinking that happens when you are vacuuming or taking a shower - that's where some of my best ideas happen.  When my mind is occupied with something totally mundane and allowed to stretch it's legs and run for a bit. 

Or maybe it's a little bit of these two ideal all mixed together. Maybe some higher power leads us around until we are able to see the "secret sauce".  Maybe sometimes inspiration is like a good crockpot roast.  You have to let it simmer and stew for a while to really bring out the good flavors - all that good stuff has to mix and meld for a bit til it is truly ready.

I don't have the magic bottled and for sale.  I'd be super-rich and wildly popular if I did - but here's a little crazy example of what happened to me this last week in order for me to have the epiphany that I had this morning.

I'm sure you have heard that it has been HOT in Dallas for the last - well 43 days.  We were even on track to set a 20 year record of 100℉ days until last week.  Thank you Mr. 99℉ Thursday. Anyway, it's hot - egg-frying-on-the-sidewalk-hot.  My workbench happens to be located in a small 2-story building  in our backyard.  This sounds all sexy and quaint, but in reality, the building leans, it leaks, and it is not insulated.  This adds up for not so nice working conditions when you are torch firing and and trying to make silver do your bidding.

Because of the extreme heat, I have moved into our house, specifically the kitchen table, to attempt to get my fall lines finished to be ready for the upcoming shows.  Well, anyone who has done any kind of an "art" project will know - the supplies needed for a project seem to travel and expand as you are working. I soon was spread across the entire table and had begun to move into the formal dining room.

Night after night I found myself setting up TV tables for my 3 and 7 yr. olds convincing myself that it wasn't for much longer.  So, the days progressed. My "3-day tops" had turned into almost a full month of "Mommy working" at the table.  Yesterday, I had finally hit my wall of looking at all my supplies being strung all over the place and my understanding husband and boys having to "just deal with it".  I have realized that I was beating myself up more than they ever were.  I really don't think they could care less - they just adapt and more on - but all I saw when I walked through the kitchen and before I turned off the light to go to bed was "bad mom, bad wife." It didn't make for sweet dreams.

So, what did I finally do?
Yesterday I decided to re purpose an area in my "office" a.k.a. spare guest room.  It took some maneuvering to get everything sorted and in order - but I'm almost there.  It's not a sexy and cool studio - but it is functional and cool, but most importantly, last night we were able to eat as a family sitting at our table and not at four TV trays in front of the TV.  Not sure the boys are happy about the new arrangement but they will adapt :)
I know it sounds like a no-brainer, the solution that I finally came to - but it was a process. I should have done it 30 days prior,  but I think we all want to think we are super-women. Sometimes that just isn't in the cards.

OK - so where is my inspiration in all this?
I was thinking last night about what was happening to me. How I felt like I had to keep adapting and changing because of the heat,  because of my old rickety building, because of the start of 2nd grade for my 7 yr old, because of my husband's travel schedule.... so many things happening in my life just felt like I had to be a chameleon all the time - changing to what was around me in order to survive.  I know that sounds a bit dramatic, but I really believe that we all do this.  It's the people that have perfected the art of adapting that make it look easy. I by no means have perfected it - but I think I am getting better with all the practice. 

So that's it, there is my inspiration for my new charm design that I am working on right now.  The easy-going chameleon. Going with the flow, adapting to the environment and what nature throws his way.  I think if I wear this charm and think about it the next time that life throws me a curve ball then I might be able to handle it a little better.  I believe that finding inspiration is very similar to our time hear on earth.  It is all about the journey, not the destination.  You never know when those special moments or opportunities for greatness will pop up and test your ability to adapt and persevere.

It's still super-hot here in Dallas, and the weatherman isn't predicting relief anytime soon. But, hey, I'm OK with it. It might just be another opportunity for my muse to dance into my bedroom tonight and sprinkle some more inspiration my way :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Don't forget the kids!

I think sometimes as jewelry designers we get caught up in making jewelry that is so focused for our demographic that we often forget a crucial demo - the little ones.  At most of the shows I have done, where ever Mom is - so is their little ones. Why not figure out something just for them? I'm not saying to totally change what is working for you.  You know who your customer is and you do a great job making beautiful jewelry just for them - I'm suggesting that you look at what you do from a slightly different angle.
Here's an example -
I make these really cool leather and silver custom bracelets.  My main target audience is women, ages 25-50.  These pieces are a bit more expensive because of the time and materials.  So usually if a woman comes into my booth and buys one for herself or as a gift, she normally won't ask her daughter "do you want one too?"  But, here is the dilemma. The daughter is ALWAYS asking for one.  So this leaves the Mom in a bad place.  Spend the money or disappoint her tween - hmmm.  Decisions, decisions.

But, why put them in this weird situation? Why not offer something similar but at half the price point?  My Persona silver bracelets have symbols and messages of strength worn as daily reminders of whatever is important to you.  Same with the Persona youth line. Important messages that resonate with the younger crowd.  They are fun and hip and tell the world what's important to the wearer, without breaking the bank.

So, maybe think about what you are making and who you are making it for - can you tweak your recipe just a bit with out sacrificing quality and your design sensibility? Offer your customers a great product at a different price point. This also goes the other direction as well - are you making a relatively inexpensive product that is flying off the shelves?  People love what you do - maybe step it up a bit and offer a "step above" what you are currently doing.  Start slow - see how it goes. Can't hurt and all you'll be doing is offering your customer base another great product.  They will love the options!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My friend the mouse.

I won't lie - if I were to see a mouse right now, I'd be on the top of this desk blogging to you with my toes. It's so crazy.  There is no way in the world that a simple little mouse could ever hurt a person - yet just their presence brings out screams and brooms with really long handles.

Poor little guys.  I think they have gotten a bad wrap. Throughout history they have been associated with destruction.  Eating crops, carrying the plague  - wow.  That's some bad stuff. What about the good stuff?  "Quiet as a mouse" if this is the case I know a 7 and a 3 year old that I wish were mice! Heck - look what our most beloved Micky Mouse has done for their image and most recently that master of culinary delights, Ratatouille.  I think our little friend has come a long way.

The reason I was thinking about the mouse today was because I am having some crazy trouble with my website. The programming is all off and the fonts look wonky on some web browsers. I am pretty new to website building - ChickeeBoom was my first.  I know just enough to be dangerous - but not enough to see this problem clearly.
I know I am just missing something. What could it be? I have read all the help forums but no one seems to have the exact same problem that I am having.  I know the solution is there - so close.  I'm just missing it. 

Enter our friend the mouse. He he actually helped me out tonight. While I was thinking about this situation I went and looked at some of the animal symbols and there it was. Mr. Mouse teaches us to be aware and pay attention to the details. He is also a symbol of intelligence - so maybe that is helping a bit tonight as well. But after reading that I really tried to focus on reading all the info (not just scanning for important big and bold words - you know you do it too!) I re-read document that I had only scanned earlier and took it step by step.  I can proudly say that I think my fonts are fixed!

I just finished uploading the new site and as I clicked the "refresh" button (with my right eye squinted and my lips all scrunchied up) with fingers crossed.... voila! success. Thank you, thank you, my littlest friend the mouse for reminding me that it's all in the details.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Need. Help. Please.

Ever feel like the world is getting you down? Feel like someone has their big ole foot on your head and won't let you up for a breath? Well, I'm feeling that way today. 
Two nights ago my 3-year-old had a bad dream or something and decided to headbutt my face at 4:00 a.m. Talk about a wake up call.  My mouth was bloody and my tooth loose... not sure how it will all work out cosmetically but my son didn't even wake up and only had a small bump on his head the next morning - so all is well, I guess. 

I was thinking about how I was feeling and wondered if any of my charms might offer me the little extra help I'm looking for these days - and guess what? There is. Our little cute friend the monkey is a symbol for help in child rearing and caring for the elderly. It's a total nurturing symbol.
In the wild, female monkeys help take care of all the family members - all of them-  from young to old.  I"m sure there is plenty that I can learn from them right now.
So today I think I will add my little friend "cheeta" to my charm cluster; cause Momma needs all the help she can get!

The monkey is also a symbol of intelligence, respect and communication.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cha - Cha - Changes

The butterfly is the epitome of "change".

This little caterpillar is born to our world and has to face many adversities. The birds and larger bugs are trying to get her right from the beginning.  If that's not enough, she then has to start her climb up to the tallest of trees she can find all the while protecting herself from being devoured by larger and stronger creatures.  Finally when she makes it all the way to the top of the tree and is totally exhausted and she just wants to rest, a huge blanket encases her and she thinks she is dying!

So much stress and struggle.

BUT - you already know the end to this story - and it's a good one!
All of her struggle was not for not - just when she thought she could endure no more and she was dying, she emerges as a gorgeous butterfly.  All the while when she was struggling and striving, she was learning and growing; developing into a beautiful butterfly just waiting to spread her wings and show her beauty to the rest of the world. 

I love this tale. Imagine in your life if you went through a transformation that left you totally unrecognizable to the rest of the world? How would you adapt - would it be good or bad? 

Many believe that the butterfly represents transformation, but it is also believed that it is a symbol for the ability to deal with change - elegantly and with grace.

Are you or a close friend dealing with something in your lives that you can't figure out if it's making you stronger or about to kill you? I've been there. Maybe a butterfly charm would be a great reminder to hold up your heads and spread your wings and float right on past all the turmoil and craziness that is happening in your life right now.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Mightly Elephant

When I design a new charm I do research on the meaning behind that animal or symbol. Elephant aren't just for the circus anymore!

Elephants are not all that different from our human species in the way they care and communicate with the other members of their herds.  They have the capacity to feel emotion such as pain, jealousy, love, joy and rage.  Some scientist have even noted that elephants are able to communicate telepathically.  Wearing this animal charm as your totem might help you to communicate better with your family members.

Often known for their amazing strength elephants are also very graceful and able to walk silently through the jungle even thought they are the largest land mammals on earth. Strength and grace are two other characteristics attributed to this pachyderm.

Did you ever wonder why these great big, enormous animals are able to be held in one spot by just a small stake attached to their foot?  When captive animals are very little their keepers will put steel shackle around their foot and attach it to a stake that they will drive into the ground.  The little baby elephants aren't strong enough to pull the stake out and escape. For years this same process is repeated over and over so when they are finally large and strong enough to pull the stake out of the ground they are so conditioned that they aren't able to do it - that they don't think they can.  So the old adage that "an elephant never forgets" is not too far from the truth.  And the fact that they live up to 60 years - wow - that's a lot of memories. An elephant charm might be a great reminder of things you don't want to forget!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

ChickeeBoom: jewelry with meaning

I'm excited to start posting. I love the creative process and all the symbolism that can be found in our everyday lives.  Hopefully some of the information I share on this blog will be helpful in both your professional and personal lives. I know I am looking forward to this experience - glad you are here with me!

A little bit about my jewelry:
ChickeeBoom jewelry is meant to be worn everyday as a reminder for you or as a symbol to the world of what is important to you.
Each of my silver charms and leather bracelets can represent different facets of your life.

Whether it's a praying mantis charm to symbolize your spiritual retreat to Bali or your beautiful new baby's initials. I want your jewelry to be special and meaningful and give you that warm feeling in your heart or a smile to your lips when you hear the charms jingle or wear a bracelet on your wrist.